How To Make £30,000
In Two Days…
“It’s A Secret That International Drug Dealers Have Used For Decades. But Now You Can Cash-In On The Same System For The Very First Time...And Without Risking A Long Spell Behind Bars!”
Dear Reader,
It’s Easy To See How International Drug Dealers Make Their Money…
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A kilo of cocaine costs about £350 when it leaves Columbia. But by the time it re-appears on the streets of a major city like London, the value has soared to over £50,000 (that’s fifty THOUSAND pounds) a kilo. My calculator won’t quite stretch to working out what percentage increase that is…but it’s a lot!
Now there are special reasons for such a massive mark-up. The product is illegal for one thing. It has to pass through many hands to get to the end user, and every one of them runs the risk of getting locked up for a very long time if they get caught, or shot by rival dealers. They want a big return to compensate for that risk…
But That’s Only Part Of The Story…
You see what really ramps up the price is that supply is limited, and you simply can’t manufacture cocaine in the UK. Cocaine is still illegal in Columbia, but it’s relatively cheap. Why? Because there’s plenty of it, and it’s easy to make some more. So there’s a huge profit in moving cocaine from central America into the UK – from one market where it’s plentiful and cheap, to another where it’s scarce and expensive…
Not That I’m Suggesting You Get Involved For All Sorts Of Very Obvious Reasons!
But what if there was a way to cash in on the different values of products in separate markets, but without running the risk of spending the rest of your days in a cell? Just like the drug traffickers do, but without the risk.
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My name is Martin Fanshaw, and I’m writing today to tell you that there is…
I want to tell you how absolutely anyone can do this. It’s not rocket science. It’s just a very simple system for taking advantage of different prices in different markets. And we’re talking BIG differences in prices.
For example, you can order something in the post from America (over the internet or by phone) for £98 and sell it in London for over £1,000.
Maybe more. You can order a similar item from Russia for $99 that sells in the UK for £1,500.
With Opportunities Like This, Why Would Anyone Risk Their Liberty Selling Illegal Stuff? Beats Me.
It’s simple, simple, simple. They’re just items (that arrive in an ordinary envelope) that have a low value in their place or origin, yet a much, much higher value here.
You know this system exists. It’s called globalisation. Stuff is cheaper in one place than another. Hence the world buzzes with all manner of items being flown or shipped from A to B. Whether it be commodities, oil, diamonds, shoes, wheat, or whatever. Even money. The same principle applies to Forex trading (foreign exchange). And people make a fortune overnight, by taking advantage of tiny differences in exchange rates. Buy dollars in Hong Kong for a tiny fraction of a percent less than they’re being bought for in Uzbekistan and make a profit. Okay, so it’s only half-a-cent. But spend a million and you get a million half-cents.
Obviously I’m not doing that. Too risky. And I don’t have a spare million dollars (yet!) And neither am I interested in making fractions. I like to double, triple, quadruple my money. Minimum.
Nothing illegal. Perfectly legitimate. Simple tradable commodities. Nothing that can break. Easy to handle. Easy to post. And even easier to sell (in fact there’s a queue of people wanting to buy!). It’s all perfectly above-board.
Why isn’t everyone doing this? I have no idea. Anyone can. You just need to be bothered. Anyone could, but most people don’t, because they either aren’t motivated, or don’t know how, or are too sceptical by nature to believe it’s possible. Yet I know that it is, because I do it daily. And I make about fifteen grand in 24-hours, on average.
Here Are Just A Few Examples Of What I’ve Achieved To Date…
And you can do the same, over and over again, as many times as you wish. Like I say, it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it. Even my 15-year-old child has proven it can be done.
Childs Play? Absolutely!
I’m just an ordinary bloke. But I’ve discovered a ‘system’ that very few people know about. In fact I discovered it by accident. I kind of stumbled over it. Sitting on the London tube. Overhearing a hushed conversation (I have good ears!) about two guys who had bought 6 of these items from the States, had them flown over, and sold them the next day for seven-times their cost. They were laughing all the way to bank.
So I thought I’d give it a whirl. I spent a few quid, and made a phone call. The items duly arrived. I copied their method exactly, and turned over the merchandise the next day for several times what I’d paid. I made just under three thousand pounds, actually. Like … overnight! Yes, I thought it was ridiculous too. I supposed I’d just got lucky. So I tried it again, but not for so much this time, as I didn’t want to lose all that I’d made (which was a fortune to me at the time). So I was careful.
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And of course it worked again. I made even more! Now, ten thousand pounds in cash, when you haven’t got much money, is a lot of dosh. My ship had really come in; so much so that I paid off all my debts within two weeks, left my 9-5 job and now I work my ‘system’ full-time.
Well, when I say full-time, I mean about an hour a day. And I can do this from home, from a cafe, travelling…even from the beach.
And why am I telling you this? Because there is absolutely no harm in me doing so. The market is big enough for us all. It’s global. And we’re all connected these days.
I have no monopoly on this, and I rather like the idea of other people joining me. In fact we can all work it together.
And that’s why I decided to put everything I’ve learned about this ridiculously profitable (but stupidly simple) system into paint by numbers manual...
'The Narconomics System – How To Make £15,000 a Day By Digital Download The Legal Way’
It’s available as a download for the very first time today through my publishers, Streetwise Publications. But there’s a catch. You see, I have an ulterior motive to making this information available. I need people to work closely with me on this…but not too many. When you see the price I’m charging for this, you’ll realise I’m not going to make a fortune from selling it.
As I say, I want people to work with…partners if you will. Don’t miss-understand me though. I give you every last piece of information you might need in the manual to do it all yourself. But for some people…the ones who perhaps would rather do NONE of the work…it may be in their interest.
So How Many Downloads Of The Manual Will Be Available?
I really can’t say. It depends how many people want to work with me. All I can say is that numbers will be limited. I’ll run this offer for just long enough and that will be it. When I consider enough people are onboard and successfully operating (I’ll help you through, every step of the way), then I’ll close the doors. So there’s only a small window of opportunity for you to join with me.
Let Me Re-Cap:
And a great deal more. All-in-all, you really do have nothing to lose by taking a look at this. But you could be making £30,000 in two days, starting from tomorrow.
If you’re looking for a way to make life-changing amounts of cash without financial risk or commitment, then my system can help you do it...
And at a price, which I think, is going to surprise you. More about that in a moment.
So How Much Is All This Going To Cost...
When this manual is launched to the general public it will be at a cost of £149. This will be a ‘steal’ at that price. Remember, it reveals insider information you can use to make tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of pounds - and starting right away. Anyone following the simple instructions in the manual will make a great deal more than that from their first risk-free transaction. It's never been taught before and it's not available anywhere else.
But I Don't Want You To Pay £149!
You see you've already invested your hard-earned money with my publishers on one or more of their products or services. So I want to reward you for that by more than slashing the price by over £100, leaving just £47 to pay!
But This Is Very Important...
Please understand that this offer is open to you and you alone. It isn't open to people who haven't bought from my publishers before. It's not open to your friends or anyone else you know. We’ll be checking all orders against our customer file and if you're not on the list, you don't get the deal!
Sorry if that seems harsh, but I want our loyal customers to profit from it first. Everyone else can wait - and then pay the higher price!
And Here's Another Reason Why This Offer Is For You - And You Alone...
A Completely Unconditional You can order your copy of 'The Narconomics System – How To Make £15,000 a Day The Legal Way’ on approval. If you decide for any reason whatsoever that the system isn't right for you, or doesn't live up to your expectations, you can let us know any time within 30 days for a full refund - no hassles, no questions asked. With this 30 day pay-nothing-promise, there’s not a single reason why you shouldn’t try this out for yourself.
Now Do You See Why This Offer Isn't Open To The Public?
I'm not worried about any financial 'bloodbath' from this Hyper-Generous guarantee though, because I know this system is everything I've said it is... And I know I can trust you with this because you're already on my publisher’s Preferred Customer list. You've earned their trust. Your word is final in this. Nobody will question your decision. But I'm betting you won't even think about asking for your money back when you receive the system, and discover the cash creating gold dust within its pages.
To Receive Your Copy Of The System On Approval By Fast Digital Download Click Here Or If You’d Prefer You Can Call Our Credit Card Hotline 24 Hours A Day On
01709 361819.
Either way, within the next few days you could be putting this hard-hitting cutting-edge information to profit making it work for you.
I look forward to hearing from you very soon, and emailing you your personal download of the system manual. I know you'll be absolutely delighted.
Very Best Wishes
Martin Fanshaw
P.S. Remember as a Preferred Customer of Streetwise Publications you qualify for a £102 discount on the ‘general public price’, leaving just £47 to pay...and if you’re not satisfied for any reason whatsoever - it won't cost you a penny!
PPS. Just so we’re clear, The ‘Narconomics System’ has nothing to do with drugs or anything illegal. It simply uses the same economic and market forces as drug traffickers to make perfectly legal and respectable profits.
To Receive A Fast Digital Download Of The System On Approval Click Here Or If You’d Prefer You Can Call Our Credit Card Hotline 24 Hours A Day On
01709 361819.
Customer Comments*
“I wish to thank you for Martin Fanshaw’s book. As far as I am concerned it is one of the most informative books that I have read. As a former trainer, I found the information well presented, no waffle and more important no unnecessary repetition and difficult to put down. In addition the delivery was first class I received the book within two days of ordering. Well done!”
- George Dowing – Email
“I just got the Narconomics book from your company. I would like to say that in only the first week I have picked up a valuable stamp for £5 which is priced at £700-£800 pound in a guide – just my luck.”
- Martin Weaver – Email
“Just a quick note to say, thanks for the Narconomics manual. After some research I have just completed my first sale. Could you pass my thanks on to Martin Fanshaw. Thanks again.”
- Mark Ashton – Email
“I am now the owner of The Narconomics System and I will tell you right away that this manual is the best business idea that you have produced in many years.”
- Derek Evans – Email
“I would congratulate you on your truly excellent publication the Narconomics System.”
- Sandie Strickland – Email
“Thank you very much for publishing your great manual. I hope you don’t mind my informality, but having read the ‘Narconomics’’ twice from cover to cover since I received it yesterday morning, I feel as if I already know you! Thanks again for making your system available. The detail you provide is letting me get started today.”
- Mark Charlwood – Glasgow
*These are extracts from just a few of the many hundreds of unsolicited testimonials received by Streetwise Publications. All of the original letters and emails are held on file at the Streetwise head office in Rotherham.
To Receive A Fast Digital Download Of The System On Approval Click Here Or If You’d Prefer You Can Call Our Credit Card Hotline 24 Hours A Day On
01709 361819.
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