These “Payoff Passwords” Siphon
>>>£938 A Week<<<
From Fat Cat Corporations:
And YOU Could Use Them
In The Next 5 Minutes...
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Sorry about blurring out those six passwords above, but I can’t expose the whole world to them because if you know what they are and what to do with them it’s a license to print money!
It’s a great feeling to receive cheques in the mail after a week of doing absolutely nothing... especially when the money is squeezed out of privileged, deep pockets…
My name is Michael White. Over the next few minutes I’d like to explain how this works, but firstly, please be assured that this is perfectly legal, although I’m sure it’s certainly like nothing you’ve ever heard of before…
There are no catches or complications… I think it’s the easiest and fastest money that an average person can make from home.
So why would I invite you into my little goldmine? There’s an excellent reason why, and, with your permission, I’ll now explain that as well as everything else about this. I must tell you now though, there are only enough places being made available for 3% of people who received this invitation, so please give this your full attention now…
If you’ll snatch a quiet few minutes for yourself, I’ll explain why you could be a few easy steps away from a steady stream of cash, just by using these Payoff Passwords… and the beauty about this is that the money is made on the back of fat and faceless corporations…
They would deny this is a bribe…
I’m sure they would rather stay under the radar, and they’ve done a pretty good job of doing that so far- I doubt you’ll ever hear about this scheme on the news- but they would of course deny the thousands of pounds they keep sending me is a bribe…
Through a private bank specially set up for this, these corporations are making TENS OF MILLIONS of pounds from this grand scheme of theirs, so, although they’d rather keep ALL the money, what do they care if they’re coerced into giving a small slice to you and me…?
Besides, once I’ve used these passwords in the right way, they legally have to pay me this money.
Every two weeks they send my money, that's the only way their party can go on. I guess they know that what they're doing isn't exactly normal business practice, and they just send the money without any fuss.
And I must emphasise, if YOU were using these Payoff Passwords, you could also be receiving money from these corporations. There’s so much money being thrown around at their party that there’s more than enough room for you as well as me (as long as I restrict numbers).
There’s no reason why you couldn’t make THOUSANDS of pounds extra income, because that’s the only effort and skill that’s needed to make this secretive club hand you regular payoffs like this.
Everyone qualifies for this, and anybody is capable of doing it. But they don’t want YOU knowing that…
They hope your scepticism keeps you out…
I know you’re sceptical, and these corporations know that too. They’re counting on the little-guy being sceptical of doing what they’re doing in this exclusive club of theirs… a filthy-rich club where they give each other £20,000 bundles as ‘thank you’ gifts! I’m not joking…
And would you like to know where this obscene amount of money is coming from? Yep, the little guy.
Do you think they want the little-guy getting wise to this? So please don’t be sceptical- that’s how they want you to be- because scepticism keeps you in dark ignorance and poverty, it traps you in your comfort zone, and so it stops you trying to compete with them. But fortunes are being made here- FACT- and all it takes is snatching a tiny slice of their money to make a massive difference to the little guy’s life…
Stop fighting a losing battle…
You see, I know what it’s like to want to escape a crappy existence, and I know how quickly a person’s destiny can change from the smallest event. I’ve been where perhaps you are now. Each day a grinding repeat of yesterday: bills, debts, struggling by…
No matter how hard you fight, your punches seem pointless, don’t they? Like some exhausted boxer, you slump back into your corner at the end of each round, relieved that the bell rang. But after a quick splash of water in your face, you’re thrown straight back out there to fight the same fruitless fight, day in, day out, aren’t you? The only person getting rich from that boxing match is the fight promoter- the big corporations and The Establishment- and they’ll never let you throw the towel in…
So one day I decided to step out of the ring- out of my comfort zone- and instead try to sneak into the shiny world of the rich… if only to get a small slice of it…
I wanted just a small slice of their life…
For years I tried to break into their world. I bought all the self-help manuals and attended all the rah-rah seminars, but nothing worked. I'd see the big houses and fancy cars, a different life that felt impossible to enter. It felt like a club I would never be allowed membership of…
That was until I found a way to siphon money from them, 100% LEGALLY. These Payoff Passwords are literally keys that allow me to access these corporations’ money flows.
Now, thanks to these Payoff Passwords and how I use them in just 5 minutes, they send me £938 a week.
Okay, £938 a week isn’t a fortune, but it’s enough to make a big difference to your life, isn’t it? And especially when you consider that it only took 5 minutes to set up! That sure beats working a 9-5 job or scraping by on a fixed income... it takes the edge off…
What would YOU do with an extra £938 a week? And what things could you do with all the new free time this would give you? Setting up these Payoff Passwords certainly isn’t going to take up your whole day!
I now have more money and more TIME to enjoy it with. Time and money to be with my family and to actually do some fun things with them. We now go on lavish vacations, dine in fancy restaurants, and drive nice new cars. I just bought my dream car that I can now afford to lease (I can’t believe it’s mine!): a brand new BMW M4. I went with my son to Disney for his first birthday and I recently took my family on an amazing Caribbean cruise… and most of all, now I just get to relax more…
But I’m not being greedy about it; I’m just skimming off enough cash from them to give me financial security- I only need a small slice of their decadent pie to enjoy myself. I can’t afford my own yacht like they can, but who needs one when you can go on a cruise?
In short, I’m living a good life- an easy life. And I’m doing a good deed for others in the process…
I get LEGAL access to corporate
accounts at this bank…
So what’s going on here? How am I making this money? Please listen carefully and I’ll tell you…
It all centres on a kind of ‘shadow’ bank. Certain corporations have special accounts there, and I legally get access to any of those accounts using what I refer to as Payoff Passwords. Now, there are people out there- regular people like you and I- who evidently wish to be alerted to certain schemes that these corporations use these accounts for. So what I do is simply report these schemes to those people with a single-page document that’s virtually already written for me. All 100% legal.
And then, if all goes as expected, the private bank that holds these accounts sends me a reward for reporting those corporate schemes to the right people- this reward I’m getting is taken from the corporate accounts in question.
And that really is all I’m doing to make this money! How is it possible? Well, I’ve kind of hotwired their exclusive little game that’s playing out here, and I’m riding on these rich corporations’ backs all the way to the bank… to my own, regular bank…!
Ride on the back of their privileges…
This truly is the secret door into their privileged world, a world that tries to lock out the little guy…
As the saying goes, “It takes money to make money.” And I think that’s true in most cases- this is what keeps the little guy on the poor side of the fence. I mean, to start up a business that’s going to make any decent money, think of all the cash you need just to get it off the ground. But to do what I’m doing you DON’T need any of these expensive and risky headaches…
Let them run their schemes… and I’ll ride on the back of all of it all just by using these Payoff Passwords, and then waiting for that private bank to send me my reward.
The fat-cat corporations and this bank don’t seem to know how I’m doing this, but it doesn’t matter because they legally have to send me my money every two weeks. And besides, I’m actually doing a good deed here by helping certain people out- the private bank certainly has no problem sending me money from the corporate accounts there, and these corporations are already making too much money to care, even if they could do anything about this cash I’m skimming from their accounts (which they can’t).
This is a true ‘David and Goliath’ story. I don’t think these corporations accounted for a small operator like me, and how I could creep into their world with a clever little trick that legally skims money from them.
And now I’ve perfected the system and have access to way more than I can handle on my own, so I’m in a position to allow just 3% of people invited to use the exact same secret I’m using that makes thousands of extra pounds a month…
You could literally copy my secret…
I’ll tell you why I’m letting you in on this secret in just a second, but first please let me explain how easy it would be for you to mirror my income…
You’ve no doubt heard things like, “just copy what I’m doing to make money”, but then you probably discovered it was nothing like as easy. Sound familiar? Like you perhaps, I’ve tried all the silly schemes out there that never work and are way too difficult for the average person to use, but this is quite the opposite…
When I say to copy me, I really mean COPY…!
What if I let YOU have these Payoff Passwords with full instructions on how to use them? And you can set things up in under five minutes!
Here’s how it works. First you get an identifying code that tells the bank it was you who sent the document out- this way the bank knows who to write the cheque out to. This code is very easy to get and completely free- I’ll walk you through this simple step that takes just a few minutes. Then you add that code to the ready-made document I give you that you send where I tell you to.
Once it’s all set up, you can spend as much time as you like on this, any time of day that suits you. Or maybe you pay your kids or grandkids some pocket money to do it while you put your feet up.
It’s SO EASY. And even if you do get stuck on anything you can always email me for help!
That’s all there is to this, and you’re invited on board. Although you may not be allowed into the fat-cat boardroom, you may apply to join this club...
We have our own private club…
So I’m inviting you to join this exclusive club I’ve founded called, The Fortune Files. Members of this club are taken under my wing and given access to my biggest moneymaking secret- not just this ‘Payoff Passwords’ secret either- there’s a lot more to tell you than that and a lot more money to make with additional opportunities, should you wish to make it. It’s your choice, but I’ll give you all the tools you need to shoot even higher, should you wish.
In private, I wrote down everything I do in simple 1-2-3 step instructions to follow. Just sit back and I’ll reveal the Payoff Passwords and explain everything, so you too can siphon regular money from fat cat corporations.
AND there are many more additional passwords you can use if you like. It’s just ONE of these documents that makes me £938 a week, so just imagine what you could do with ten or more!
Different Payoff Passwords for different accounts. That’s right, the £938 a week I’m making is just from ONE account! Can you now see why there’s way more opportunity here than I could handle by myself? Lots of room for you too…
If you’re in the 3% of people reading this who get access to The Fortune Files, I’ll send you one new Payoff Password a month, along with simple instructions on how to operate this, over the next ten months of your membership. You can just use one of the passwords if you prefer, and only have membership for one month- it’s all on your terms.
And I’ll even tell you how to source these passwords yourself if you don’t want me to do it for you. That’s how I can afford to let a few people in on this without creating any competition for myself, and that’s also how this could grow into something much more for you, should you wish it.
So I trust you’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that monthly membership dues are just £27 a month (plus £2.95 shipping) for each of the ten membership levels, and you can cancel membership at any time. Membership dues go towards the cost of administration of our club, including employees who are hired solely to help you out with anything!
So how am I making any money? Let me quickly explain that as well as answer an important question: why would I bother letting you in on my biggest moneymaking secret…?
A win-win proposal…
As you can see, the membership dues you’re paying are relatively tiny, and mostly just to cover my expenses for running this, so that’s not the main reason why I sent you this invitation. The main reason is this simple win-win proposal: I’d like 10% of whatever profit you make from the ready-made documents I give you to use.
I hope you see that as fair. If you don’t make any money from this, you don’t pay me anything other than your membership dues, so it’s in my best interest to make this work for you. You keep 90% of all the money you make. You only pay me for the passwords I’ve sourced for you- if you get your own ones (using the secrets I’ll send you each month) then you keep all the money.
So I hope you will see this more as a business partnership than me trying to sell you something. And as a goodwill token of faith in this proposed partnership, I will give you a guarantee that can’t be beaten…
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So now you have nothing to lose by at least applying- so you can see what this is all about at NO-RISK.
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But, as I’ve already mentioned, I really am severely restricting memberships to The Fortune Files…
Doors close after 3% of people
invited are accepted…
You’ve probably heard it all before: secrets and limited places available, blah, blah. But the difference between a true secret and a bogus one is that there’s a genuine reason for giving the secret away. I’ve explained my reason: because I want 10% of the profit.
And, because this truly is a genuine secret I use myself, I have to strictly limit memberships to 3% of people who received the invitation. No exceptions. Once the places have been filled, we will close the doors.
And there is an important second condition:
With all of this material, you are being given privileged, unrestricted access to intellectual property and trade secrets. So a condition of membership is that you agree to total confidentiality. You will not be allowed to disclose any information you’ll be privy to, publicly or privately.
If you’re happy about all this and you know a genuine opportunity when you see one, then don’t wait a second longer…
Feed yourself from their silver
spoon in under 5 minutes…
If life is a series of crossroads, you’re standing at one now. One path takes you where you’re already at- the same life as today. But the other path could take you to the exact same world as me… because you wouldn’t just be copying me; you’d be practically photocopying me.
Take the same Payoff Passwords I’m using, and simply send it to the people I say, and let’s start making some money together while we do a good deed at the same time. Making honest money from home has never been simpler. I look forward to welcoming you as a member of this lucky group.
To freedom,
Michael White (my email address is TheFortuneFiles@gmail.com)
P.S. I only sent you this invitation because a mutual acquaintance said you were a go-getter who was always on the look out for a genuine business opportunity. I hope this describes you, but if for some reason this confidential letter was sent to the wrong person I politely ask you to destroy it. Thank you.
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