Shock Discovery:
Ancient Code Cracks the Banks…
PROVEN: An 82.4% Chance Of A
£55,250 Windfall
With Just A Few Clicks…LEGALLY.
Here’s Why I’m Discreetly Allowing
181 People To Use My Windfall Secret…
My name is Michael White, and what I’d like to share with you now is a total game-changer. With your permission, over the next few minutes I’ll explain a money-loophole that could be your ticket to the laziest and fastest retirement imaginable.
Please let me first put your mind at rest about a few things…
NOBODY else knows this secret because I discovered it - through the application of an ancient code. But if you’ll allow me to rush you a confidential document without you parting with a single penny, I will share it with you for legitimate reasons I’ll explain in a moment. And I guarantee you’ll be stunned at how this powerful secret could force the banking system into letting you retire early…
Forced Retirement...
Imagine clicking a few keys or making a single call… then sitting back and waiting for a windfall you had an 82.4% chance of getting each time you used this. Now that’s what I call a forced retirement…
Can you imagine that? Well, you don’t have to ‘imagine’ that because it’s been recently proven...
The FACT is that if you’d used this secret most recently, you would have got a windfall of £55,250. And I’ve proven that this secret had an 82.4% of working each time it was used in an intensive study of past performance in recent years.
I know you must be sceptical, I know I was when I first made this discovery, so please let me answer your likely questions right off the bat…
“Is it really simple to use?”
I tested it on my 90-year old grandma who’s borderline senile, and she did it perfectly on the first go. So no, it’s not simple… it’s EASY. There’s a difference!
“It sounds crazy. Is this really true?”
This isn’t some wild claim I’ve plucked out of thin air. Based on the most recent use of this loophole you would now be thinking how you’d spend £55,250. That’s a matter of fact.
“So why are you sharing this secret?”
I spent a lot of time uncovering and testing out this loophole, so believe me, I did NOT originally intend to share it with anyone! I’m not doing this to be a Samaritan. But, for a very good reason I’ll explain shortly, I’m going to allow 181 people to use this secret (as long as they sign a confidentiality agreement). So with your kind permission, I will now explain why I’m sharing this with 181 people, and explain more about this life-changing loophole…
I know you’re sceptical, I’ve been where you are now, and I too have been subjected to a lot of rubbish and scams. I’m frightened to add up how much money I’ve wasted on all that get-rich-quick nonsense over the years…
But I believe that everything happens for a reason. If I hadn’t been subjected to all the lame schemes and rip-offs I wouldn’t have turned to a respected source of truth to find the answers to my financial prayers. You see, it was a long and dark road to finally discover a genuine path to freedom…
Escape From Financial Hell…
I was flat broke not so long ago. Whatever money I made from my crummy job I spent on moneymaking systems and seminars that never seemed to work. All the ‘gurus’ who turned out to be charlatans, all the promises that were actually lies, and all the money I’d invested in schemes that went up in smoke. Ugh!
I remember the exact day that was the low-point for me, when I felt I was at the bottom of financial hell. I’d lost my job, I was up to my ears in debt, and I had no savings, all in the middle of a brutal recession. Literally, all I had to my name was a few coins on a rented coffee table. I stared at those coins, and I thought it was the end of the road...
But it was then, at rock bottom and desperate for help, that for some reason I picked up this beaten-up old book that my late-grandfather had once given me.
But I didn’t turn to this old book for a shoulder to cry on, I picked it up because my canny old grandfather died financially independent with plenty of automated money streams still pouring into his bank accounts when he passed on. He always said that the secrets in this book were all he had ever needed to make his money…
And he had always told me how this ancient book concealed a powerful code that hardly anybody knew existed. But he shared that code with me. Please bear with me as I explain how I used this code to crack the banks…
The ancient book I’m talking about is the most read book in the world: The Old Testament. But before we go on, please understand that I’m not some preacher trying to convert you…!
I don’t know about you, but I’m not a particularly religious person- I suppose I fall into that ‘Church of England’ camp, like so many Brits. This is nothing religious so please don’t be sceptical or offended if you’re of another religion or atheist. This is about moneymaking, plain and simple. And, contrary to what many people think, money is one of the most talked about subjects in this book…
This ancient and mysterious text is packed with advice from the richest man in history, the original wealth ‘guru’: King Solomon. What many people don’t realise is that encrypted in his writings within The Old Testament, Solomon reveals how the financial system always takes money from the population, how the system works, and how to take advantage of it…!
That’s why my wealthy grandfather referred to this ancient code as, ‘The Solomon Code’. And, after those scandalous bailouts of the fat-cat banks recently, I had an idea about how to use this uncannily reliable code to crack the banks and generate regular and massive windfalls for myself…
An ancient secret exploiting
a modern loophole…
You see, the ancient code that’s repeated throughout The Old Testament is a combination of two “perfect” numbers that, for some strange reason, have an incredible track record for predicting events in the financial system and economy. If you’re in the few percentage of people reading this who actually get access to this secret, I’ll prove this to you as a matter of fact by looking at past events.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to crunch any numbers or do anything remotely complicated- I’m just explaining what’s under the bonnet of this powerful secret…
And this is nothing made up or weird- what I refer to as ‘The Solomon Code’ is there for anyone to see, they just have to know what to look for and how to use it. And I had just figured out a new way to use it…
So I put it to the test. My heart was racing as I tested this Solomon Code. I punched it in and, bingo, it worked like a charm! I tested it again, and bingo. But it felt too good to be true. I wanted even more proof. I wanted some real evidence. I wanted to know precisely what the likely chances were of success. I wanted a test over the longest time frame possible…Using my computer, I ran as many tests as I could… and I started counting all the money I’d have made had I always used this secret. It seemed uncanny, but the undeniable proof was right before me, proven time and time again. The Holy Grail discovered at last.
I had just heard the clunk of unlocking, as if the doors to a vault of treasure had swung open…
Your very own little 'bailout'...
So how does it work? What do you have to do?
Think about all the money you give to the banking system every month. Interest on debt, pension contributions, insurance policies, investment plans, etc. Billions of pounds! But what most people don’t realise is that these overflowing coffers of bank-money are indirectly accessible to the little-guy who knows about this effortless and legal loophole and how to exploit it…
Basically, you’re getting your own little windfall each time the banks get one… IF you’re in the right place at the right time. Don't worry, you do the whole thing from your armchair- no traveling and you’re done in just one attempt.
So what’s to stop anyone getting these windfalls? Because you need to know when and where to position yourself to receive them. Once you have a good idea of this (like an 82.4% chance of knowing!) you just click a few keys or make a phone call, and then sit back and watch. Remember though, this is NOT about trading shares in individual companies or forex or real estate or any of those things I listed at the start- you’re just riding on the back of the big banks’ windfalls.
What The Solomon Code does is give you the intelligent guess you need to position yourself correctly to receive these windfalls. And it’s been proven to get it right in the past for 82.4% of the time.
When The Solomon Code tells you to, you make a few idiot-proof clicks on a special website I’ll show you, all according to very specific and simple instructions, and then you sit back. Based on past performance over several years, there’s an 82.4% chance you’ll get your windfall. Then you do it all over again when the next Solomon Code comes along…!
I can’t tell you anymore without giving away the secret, but that’s why I’m offering to send you a confidential document without you parting with a penny. That is, if you’re fast enough to be one of the lucky few granted access…
Why I’m giving ONLY 181 people
access to this secret…
Which brings us back to that big question we began with, why would I share such an amazing discovery with you…?
The answer is a simple one, and I hope you don’t mind my honesty. I’m asking for 10% of your windfalls, but only after you clear your first fifty-grand. I think that’s fair, and I hope you agree. Like I said, my reason for sharing this is 100% genuine, and I hope you now see why. I mean, why else would someone share a genuine secret with you? If the secret truly was a secret, and it was a secret that was any good, why would they bother contacting you? Surely they’d just use it themselves and you’d never hear anything about it! But my motive is as genuine as this secret is real…
You see, if there is a catch to this it’s that there’s a limit to how much a person can make per windfall- realistically my guess is that limit is about a hundred thousand pounds. By sharing this with a small group of people and them paying me a percentage of what they make, I’m able to make a lot more money for my discovery, and a lot faster…
I can’t let the whole world know about this though. There will be a confidentiality agreement to sign, and a strict limit on the number of people granted access to the secret. By my calculation I only need to share this secret with 181 people. Why only 181…?
If you make it into this lucky minority, your life could look a lot different in 72 hours…
The Holy Grail of retirement shortcuts…
With the help of my grandfather’s notes in the book, I translated and decoded all of King Solomon’s cryptic clues for myself, and two years later I had become debt free, owned a successful business, and had bought several investment properties, so there’s a lot more to be gained here than access to this ancient code that cracked the banks…
This Solomon Code is revealed as just one part of my ultra-simple monthly course called, Biblical Wealth Secrets. I guarantee you’ll NEVER have seen anything as easy to follow as these priceless documents.
And you can get your hands on the first part without any risk what so ever - more about that in a second.
Biblical Wealth Secrets is a total wealth-blueprint designed to get you to a comfortable retirement faster than you imagined. A life that could feature…
How much would all this be worth to you? Access to this powerful Solomon Code alone is surely worth thousands, or even millions in the right hands… and that’s just one of several secrets revealed in this course…
Taditionally, the materials and coaching fee has been £29.95 (inc P&P) for each of the 10 steps, with the first step at completely no-risk. And each step was delivered at 1 step per month. But I don't want you to have to wait 10 months to make The Biblical Wealth Secrets start flooding your bank account with cash...
Now available in one complete package
That's why I'm going to ship you all 10 steps at once, and I'm not even going to ask for £29.95 per step! Instead of £299.50 for all 10 steps, Biblical Wealth Secrets is just £197 for ALL 10 delivered straight to your doorstep at once and we'll even cover the shipping costs! .
But I understand you need some assurance, so for your peace of mind, here’s a guarantee that just couldn’t be anymore risk-free for you…
Nothing should stand in your way now. You can inspect the first part of the program so you can see these Biblical Wealth Secrets for yourself… and so you can begin your journey to a luxury retirement.
And just in case that wasn’t enough to motivate you, I’ll also include these two shocking reports with the first part of Biblical Wealth Secrets, and you can keep these even if you decide not to proceed with the course…
Special Bonus Report 1: How a forgotten document somewhere around your home could get you an instant bank payout. The one in my home got me £43,269! This is completely separate to The Solomon Code. Special Bonus Report 2: How in a single phone-call most people could stay at home instead of working and still get paid full salary and benefits, and that’s without going sick or claiming disability. And they could do this immediately… |
And there’s ZERO RISK by just taking a peak at this.
If that scares you off then, I’m sorry, but there’s just no hope for you. So if you’re fast enough to be in the 181 allowed access, we’re in business for this win-win deal…
Crack the banks with just a few clicks…
Imagine counting the money as £55,250, free and clear, hits your bank account…
What would you buy with that? It’s not a fortune, but it would change your life, and for no more effort than making a few clicks on your computer or making a single call...
Imagine smashing off the chains of debt, speeding off in a nice new car, looking forward to a luxury holiday abroad, and giving your younger ones a leg-up in life. And it’s not as if that would be a one-off windfall- you could do it all again when the next windfall comes along- so maybe you simply use this to retire…
Now, even if you make it into the privileged 181, you need to know one last thing: the next Solomon Code could be along any day, so you must act quickly or you could miss out on the next spend-up….
Make sure you come along for this ride with me or you could be kicking yourself forever after. And what do you have to lose by just taking a no-risk peak?
To Receive All Ten Parts Risk Free In One Complete Package CLICK HERE
Or You Can Call My Publishers Order Line On 01709 361819
I hope you make it into the small percentage of invitees who will have access to this proven windfall secret. Most people invited will not get a place, and if your application is unsuccessful I must ask you to keep this whole thing confidential and not tell anyone under any circumstances. Thank you.
To freedom,
Michael White.
P.S. It’s an incontestable FACT that’s now proven over and over historically to have an 82.4% chance of getting these windfalls. This incredible loophole is ridiculously simple to use continuously and could be your ticket to the laziest retirement plan you could ever dream of…
P.P.S. I’m sure you have more questions though, and that’s why I’m making this available to you without you risking a penny… if you’re one of the lucky 181 people to get a place and sign the confidentiality agreement. Remember, only 0.0003% of the population will ever know about this, so it must remain a secret.
Simply CLICK HERE To Have Your
NO RISK Offer Rushed To You NOW!
Copyright © Streetwise Publications Ltd.. All rights reserved. Streetwise Publications Ltd. Eden House, Genesis Park, Sheffield, Rotherham S60 1DX. Tel: 01709 820033. Legal notice: The author is not a financial advisor and is not giving specific financial advice. For legal reasons we are obliged to say the following: The codes listed here are just 6 of thousands on offer, and are given purely as examples for demonstration purposes only, and the author is not making a recommendation to specifically use those codes shown, nor does the author profit in any way from your use of any codes. Any opinions given here and in the course material are exclusively those of the author. All applications are highly confidential. You are not purchasing anything based on this invitation; you are requesting further information and submitting payment details for in the event you wish to continue past the first lesson. By applying as a student you are agreeing to confidentiality regarding information received, and you are declaring that you, as a mentally competent, over-18 individual, are responsible for all your own decisions.
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