“Can You Spare Thirty Seconds First Thing In |
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Dear Streetwise Customer,
Imagine if there was a way to quietly siphon off several hundred pounds every week from your home computer or laptop by tapping into some financial markets via a simple piece of software.
The software would alert you well in advance of a move in the market, giving you plenty of time to put yourself in position to profit from it.
No rush. No panic.
Imagine if you had to check the software alerts just once a day…taking 30 seconds tops. Most days there’d be nothing to do and so that would be you done for the day. But once or twice a week, you’d find the software advising you to take action.
Taking action would take about five minutes, at most.
And again, that would be you done, other than to check later to see that all your profit had landed in your account
All of this would be done without:
• Analysing any financial data
• Poring over any charts
• Taking any undue risks
• Doing any work whatsoever
Just load up the software, press ‘Go’ and wait for it to churn out its profit-making predictions.
It sounds like a pipe dream doesn’t it? And yet that’s precisely what I’m writing to you about today. It’s just a string of computer code on an ordinary looking disc, and yet it could be your instant passport to an effort-free second income from home.
It’s taken over a year to develop and perfect this, but now it’s ready. It’s called "The ACT Signal Software" and you are one of the first to hear about it.
Here’s what it’s all about.
While equity and currency markets become increasingly frenetic and fast paced, there’s a more sedate game in town – one where you can take your time, and one that demands a lot less time, effort and stress before you can cash in.
What am I talking about?
Commodities Trading isn’t exactly the new game in town…it’s been around in one form or another for ever…but recent changes in technology have brought autopilot commodity trading within the reach of everyone with a computer and internet access - and on to the radar of every savvy entrepreneur who senses when ‘the time is right’.
In a moment I’m going to tell you how you can use the software I told you about earlier to bypass the learning, automate the whole process, and divert virtual truck loads of cash out of the commodity markets, and into your personal bank account, in record time.
But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here. If this is all new to you, I need to cover some basic information first…what commodities are, how we go about trading them without calculations, study or effort, and why this is something you’d be certifiably crazy to leave out of your money making portfolio in 2017 and beyond.
So What The Heck Are Commodities Anyway?
Commodities are basic things – stuff that’s needed to make other stuff! Timber, for example, is a commodity that you can use to make a table, a chair, a roof frame or something like that. Oil is a commodity that goes to make vehicle fuel, plastics and numerous other items. Gold is a commodity that goes to make jewellery as well as having multiple industrial applications.
In that sense, just about every raw material is a commodity of some description, but for trading (money making!) purposes we’re only interested in the ones we can buy or sell in order to make a profit. And for that you need a market!
The software system I’m talking about today, allows you to automatically identify profitable trading opportunities in six key commodities:
1. Copper 2. Silver 3. Gold |
4. Crude Oil 5. Soybean Oil 6. Cocoa |
Now don’t worry!
By now you might have a mental picture of a garage full of cocoa or soybean oil. Or maybe a stash of gold hidden under the floorboards! As a commodity trader you’ll never actually come into contact with the commodity being traded…not the way we do it. More about that in a moment.
So Why Trade Commodities At All ?
Because the time is right! There are myriad opportunities to make a profit, and broadly speaking, it’s simpler, less time consuming and more straightforward than other financial markets. I’ve already hinted at some of the big advantages, but let me fill in a few gaps…
Trends Tend To Run….
Commodity markets ‘trend’ a lot. What that means is that once a pattern is established, it tends to continue in a very predictable manner for some time – often weeks and months. What that means is that once a trade has been opened correctly, it can be very profitable, and it’s often possible to leave it open making money steadily for weeks and months. There’s none of the time stress normally associated with trying to quickly place or adjust a trade.
Only a Handful Of Markets To Work With…
With equity markets there are potentially thousands of stocks to trade. Not so with commodities, where you are working with just these 6 commodities – and the software does all the work for you.
No Need For Constant Monitoring…
So following on from that, there’s not a lot to do. With other markets you often need to be constantly placing, monitoring and adjusting your trades. Some people find this quite stressful, and that it doesn’t fit in with work and other commitments. Commodity trading is different. Trades take very little time to enter and manage, because you only need to do it once a day at most. And as I say, there’s no need to monitor anything. The software automatically does that for you.
Markets Are Increasingly Volatile…
Now I said earlier that things tend to move at a slower pace around commodities and that’s true., but to make money we need to see price movement in the market. Economic uncertainty like we’re seeing right now, creates lots of movement.
Note that I said price movement - not price rises. As I write this, prices of a number of key commodities have been falling substantially over the past week. That’s great news for savvy commodity traders, because it’s a matter of complete indifference to them which way the market moves. Just so long as it moves somewhere!
Approach this in the right way and there’s just as much money to be made from the falls (if not more) as the rises. Once momentum starts one direction, commodity markets often move a long way. Cash in on that movement (and the software will do that for you) and there are substantial stress free profits to be made….
All Without Sitting In Front Of a Computer For Hours At a Time, Staring At a Screen!
In a moment, I’ll let you know exactly how we can help you grab more than your fair share of the profits to be made, but first I want to tell you why I think this is just about the perfect ‘siphon-money-at-home’ opportunity…
10 Reasons Why Commodity Trading Is The Perfect Home-Based Money Making Opportunity...
Reason No.1 – Anyone Can Do This.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re 18 or 80, male or female, well educated or totally unqualified. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how you speak. There are absolutely no barriers to this. If you’ve ever found yourself excluded from other money making opportunities in the past because you didn’t ‘fit’ in some way, then this is going to be a refreshing change.
Reason No.2 – Start Up Costs Are Very Low.
Start a conventional business and you’re going to need some money behind you to get started. Invest in property, stocks and shares or other conventional investments, and it’s difficult to get started without at least some capital behind you. No such concerns here. You can start in earnest with just a couple of hundred pounds, but you don’t even need that to road test the system! In the programme, you’ll learn how to try everything out and fine tune it on simulators with virtual money, and only commit real funds when you’re 100% confident of profits.
.Reason No.3 – You Can Work When You Feel Like It.
Most regular businesses impose time constraints because you have to work with, and around customers, suppliers, employees, contractors and colleagues. There are no such constraints here. You can do your trading whenever it’s most convenient for you. Imagine that with a regular business where you have staff, customers and other commitments to fulfil.
.Reason No.4 – You Can Work Where You Like.
There are very few constraints on where you can trade commodities. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in your spare room at home, sitting in the park, or even relaxing by a villa on the other side of the world, just so long as you have a laptop and an internet connection, you’re in business. You can even do it while travelling.
.Reason No.5 – You Don’t Have To Rely On Other People.
To make money from commodity trading you don’t need staff, you don’t need colleagues and you don’t need customers! Isn’t that great? You don’t have a boss either. It’s just you and the system, working together in private to siphon off money from the markets.
.Reason No.6 – This Is No Flash-In-The-Pan Business.
This isn’t an opportunity which will be here today and gone tomorrow. The markets you’ll be working with will still be around in 10, 20, even 100 years from now. And the software programme I’m going to tell you about later will continue to churn out profits for as long as those markets operate. Compare that with other businesses and opportunities which are often little more than a fad, and obsolete in next to no time.
.Reason No.7 – It’s Recession and Downturn Proof.
When economic times get tough, most business suffer. Not so with commodity trading. It doesn’t matter whether markets are rising or falling; it doesn’t matter what the economy is doing. As a commodity trader you can make money in all economic and market conditions. It really doesn’t matter a jot.
.Reason No.8 – Overheads Are Negligible.
Imagine the ongoing costs of running a regular business….premises, utility bills, lighting and heating, staffing, plant, marketing, maintenance…a seemingly endless series of bills that need to be covered before you make a penny. As a commodity trader, you have none of that. All you need is a laptop, an internet connection and you’re away.
.Reason No.9 – There’s No Real Work To Do.
It’s hard to think of a simpler way to make money. You don’t have to design anything, make anything or stock anything, There’s no manual labour involved. You don’t have to provide a service for anyone. You don’t have to advise anyone. You don’t even have to talk to anyone if you don’t want to. It’s just you, your computer and the trading system software I’m going to give you.
.Reason No.10 – It’s Very Easy To Do.
This is literally child’s play to do. Set up your software (perhaps half an hours work at most) and then leave it to monitor the six commodity markets. When it spots an opportunity, an audible alarm will sound and the opportunity will be spelled out for you on the screen. All you need do then is log on to your trading platform, place the trade and that’s your work done. Five minutes if you take your time…two if you get a move on!
So How Do You Get Involved?
All well and good, but how do you get involved…not just involved but up and running and raking in the sort of profits that can easily make the difference between existing and really living life as it’s meant to be lived.
Well several years ago, we released a training programme which blew the lid on the secrets of making life changing money from trading financial markets, and it was a barn storming success.
"I have withdrawn an incredible £38,000 in pure profit!” |
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The man behind it was Ian Williams.
And so when we were looking for someone to lay bare the secrets of making money in the commodities markets…and then automate the whole process… we didn’t have to look far. Ian was the obvious choice.
I just want to be clear on this, just so you know…
Ian makes his living by trading financial markets. You’ll be in no doubt about that when you see how little he charges compared to the other so called experts out there. He trains people for the love of it. Yes, it needs to pay, but he can’t, and won’t, take on hundreds of new people. It would interfere with his own trading.
So when I approached him about creating an automated software programme, opening up the profit opportunities in the commodities market to people with no previous knowledge or experience, he was very quick to make clear that if he was to be involved, that numbers must be strictly limited – never more than 100 new software users at any one time.
I’m writing to you today because over the past 12 months, Ian has been working on perfecting the ACT Trading System Software. And it’s now ready. The end result is a brand new automated programme, which even a complete novice could fire up and start profiting from within hours.
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It’s a system that will empower you to rake in £80-£130 an hour…right from the off. Even if you’re starting with just a few hundred pounds, you could be pulling in between £20,000 and £30,000 a year very quickly. If you have a few grand to invest, then six figure incomes… £100,000 a year and more are well within reach.
This Programme Will Give You Ownership Of Ian’s Complete Commodity Trading System - And You Can Have It Within A Few Short Days.
If you take this up, you won’t employ anyone, work for anyone or be beholden to anyone. You won’t manufacture anything and you won’t sell anything. You’ll need very little in the way of equipment and be free to work and travel when and where you please.
You won’t need any financial knowledge or previous experience to make this work for you. In fact, the more I think about it, that’s probably an advantage because you set out without any preconceptions.
One of the huge advantages, is the opportunity to work from wherever you want, whenever you want, however you want. The commodity markets have no interest in your background, your religion, your sex, your colour, or any of the myriad of other perceived hang-ups that can often make people believe ‘I can’t do that’. If you want to succeed as a commodity trader, you CAN succeed as a commodity trader, irrespective of any outside factors. There are no excuses!
You certainly don’t need to know much about computers either. A basic ability to start one up and click a mouse is just about all that’s needed.
I Just Want To Re-Emphasise Why I Think You Should Take A Serious Look At This...
All you need to get started is a home computer, an internet connection and the willingness to push the button on the step by step instructions you’re going to be given, and fire up the software
In a nutshell, if you’re accepted as one of our 100 ACT Signal Pioneers, you’ll have everything you need to achieve complete financial freedom...and fast. You’ll have the freedom to live where you want and to work from where you want - home or office - just as you wish….
The freedom to do as you choose, with no boss to report to, no-one to depend upon but yourself, and no discipline other than the most important one of all...the self discipline to follow what the software is telling you.
Here’s what you’ll get if you apply to join us and secure one of the 100 places available:
Through the website, you will get help and support plus ongoing help and advice from Ian if there’s anything you’re not sure about.
So how much is all this going to cost?
Well to be honest, I’m a little reluctant to tell you - not because it’s expensive. In fact, quite the reverse!
You see, over the last couple of years, it seems like everyone who’s ever placed so much as a couple of commodity trades, has launched a course, system or programme. And they all seem to be sold for somewhere between £2,000 and £5,000. Perhaps you’ve seen them?
Some of them are very good, but they all over-complicate what should be a very simple process. Ian’s trading systems are head and shoulders above anything else out there, and this ACT Signal commodities programme is no exception.
So you’d expect a price to match…but you won’t get one.
When the programme goes on sale to the general public later in the year it will be priced at £999...and it will be a bargain. Remember, this is click and play software you can use to effortlessly and automatically extract thousands of pounds in clear profit for yourself - and starting right away. It’s never been available before and it’s not available anywhere else.
But I don’t want you to pay £999...
You see you’ve already invested your hard-earned money with Streetwise Publications, and proved yourself to be the sort of ‘switched on’ person who can make full use of the programme.
And that’s why I’m keen for you to be one of the intake of 100 people on to the programme...
So I want to encourage you to take part by inviting you to join us at less than half the regular price - leaving just £497 (+VAT) to pay!
Whatever you do though, don’t make the mistake of thinking that this isn’t every bit as good (and a whole lot easier to use) than the programmes costing 10 times the price. But this is very important...
Please understand that this offer is open to you, and you alone. It’s not open to your friends or anyone else you know. We’ll be checking all orders against their customer file and if you’re not on the list, you don’t get the deal!
Sorry if that seems harsh, but I want to give this the very best chance of success. This is sensational, up to the minute investment profit making information of the highest quality. I want it to go to the ‘top guns’ first. Everyone else can wait - and then pay the higher price!
And here’s another reason why this offer is for you - and you alone...
Send for the ACT Signal without obligation for the next 90 days. Take advantage of the mentoring service, and the help and support on the website. Try out some trades (or you could even ‘dry’ trade if you’d prefer) If you’re unhappy with what you receive and the results you achieve, simply return the package and your payment will be returned immediately in full. Ian will give you every help and support, but if for any reason it’s not right for you, or you don’t like it we don’t deserve to keep your money. Fair enough? |
Here's How To Be One Of The First 100!
To Reserve Your Place And Receive Your Personal Copy Of This Ground Breaking Software Programme On Approval,
Click Here
Or If You Prefer Call Our 24hr Credit Card Hotline On
01709 361819.
Either way, within the next few days you could be putting this programme to profit making work for you - one step ahead of the investment ‘experts’ and two steps ahead of the crowd!
I look forward to hearing from you very soon, and despatching your ACT Signal system software. I know you’ll be absolutely delighted.
Very Best Wishes.
John Harrison
P.S. Remember as a preferred customer of Streetwise Publications, you qualify for a massive discount of over £500 on the usual fee, leaving just £497(+VAT) to pay.
To Reserve Your Place And Receive Your Personal Copy Of This Ground Breaking Software Programme On Approval,
Click Here
Or If You Prefer Call Our 24hr Credit Card Hotline On
01709 361819.
*The software needs a constant stream of live data from the markets to do its work. The cost is around $25 per month. It’s next to nothing when compared with the profits it’s possible to make.
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