If You Have Teenage Kids, (Or Older)
Then I Have A Question For You…
“Have You Taught Them
The Other Facts Of Life Yet?”
They’re The 99 Shameless (But Proven) Success
Secrets You Don’t Learn At Eton, Harrow
Or Even The Classiest Comprehensive!
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Dear Streetwise Customer,
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I won’t beat around the bush – if you’re relying on a ‘good education’ to give your kids a head start in life, you need to think again!
Hard work, intelligence and education simply aren’t enough these days – not nearly enough! The system is churning out hordes of young people with straight A star GCSE’s, brilliant A levels and top notch degrees. It’s not an edge any more, in fact it barely buys a place on the start line, let alone a head-start in the race.
Getting Ahead Of The Crowd
To get that you need to do things a little bit differently, and that means thinking, acting and working smarter. Do what the masses do and you get what the masses get. Carve yourself an edge and the rewards can be out of all proportion to the effort involved. That’s what ‘Why Didn’t They Tell Me? – 99 Shameless Success Secrets You Won’t Learn At Eton Harrow Or Even The Classiest Comprehensive’ is all about.
You usually have to learn them the hard way – through painful, costly and timeconsuming trial and error. But now there’s an easier way.
An Unfair Advantage
Most folk don’t wake up to this stuff until it’s too late – if at all. Imagine what a huge advantage you’ll be giving your kids, by letting them on the inside track now – while they’re young enough to reap the benefits for all they’re worth. Unfair? Well perhaps, but don’t we all want the best for our kids, no matter what it takes?
Here are some of the things they’ll learn in this brand new book.
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This book isn’t for everyone though I’ll make no bones about it – some of the shortcuts and secrets are unconventional. Some of them are controversial. Some may even make you angry. But they all have one thing in common – they’re all battle-tested in the only arena that matters – the real world They all work!
Why Didn’t They Tell Me is written by John Harrison, a successful entrepreneur who has mentored hundreds of people of all ages to personal and financial success over the past 20 years, and Why Didn’t They Tell Me? is a distillation of what he’s learned along the way. It’s his seventh book, and to his mind, the most important.
If your son or daughter is still in education, they need this book today. If they’re trying to get established in a career, but haven’t got as far as they’d like, they need this book today. Heck YOU need this book today! It’s never too late to start making big positive changes. I’ll wager that there isn’t anyone who will read it and not find at least something which will make a huge and significant difference to their life and fortunes. In fact I’ll guarantee it!
Your 90 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee Order your copy of 'Why Didn't They Tell Me? 99 Shameless Success Secrets They Don't Teach You At Eton, Harrow Or Even The Classiest Comprehensive' on approval. Read it from cover to cover – try out some of the ideas and shortcuts if you like.And then, if you don’t think it’s worth many times the price you paid, or you aren’t totally satisfied for any reason whatsoever, simply return it at any timewithin 90 days for a full refund. No questions asked. |
The price? Well I suspect by now you’re expecting a hefty price tag, so I hope it won’t disappoint you too much to learn that there isn’t one. The book costs just £9.95. That’s not a missprint – just Nine Pound and Ninety Five Pence.
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There’s absolutely nothing to lose by ordering a copy on approval today. Just as soon as we receive your order, I’ll rush a copy of the book out to you. We’re really looking forward to getting this unique publication out into the world and seeing the huge difference it makes to young lives everywhere.
Get hold of your copy today!
Very Best Wishes,
Charlotte Cassidy
P.S I almost forgot to mention, Every buyer of the book will get the authors personal email address and 12 months open access for further information, updates and advice. This is normally restricted to his £1,000 per year mentoring clients and a measure of how serious he is about making a real difference with this book.
PPS I have posted up some comments from people who have already read the book below...
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Reader Comments*"Many thanks for the copy of your latest book, which I have enjoyed reading and which I feel contains some really relevant advice." "I've just finished your book which I bought recently. I couldn't put it down!" __________________________________________________ More Reader Comments* “It is by far one of the best books I have ever read!” “A great, entertaining and informative read that I wish I had been able to get hold of years ago. But it is never too late to change!” “Once you pick it up you can't put it down - every page full of useful entertaining information.” “Very humorous read but with insightful 'life lessons'. I've bought a second copy for my eighteen year old daughter.” “Completely unexpected reading.” “Unconventional but made perfect sense - makes you think from different angle.” “I wish you'd written it and I'd read it 28 years ago, before I started my first business.” “Uplifting and life-changing.” “I have four children age between 8 & 20 they will all be getting the book.” “It should be required reading in all senior schools.” “Everyone would benefit by reading it! Congratulations!” “Very readable and a book I will refer back to many times.” “Both my wife and sister-in-law, neither of whom usually read this type of book, picked it up and then wouldn't give it back to me until they'd finished it!” “Very impressed so far. What is really exciting is that I have already implemented many of your ideas to great effect.” “Thank you for giving me such a great read. Your book only took 3 days to read, not because it was thin and unexciting….just the opposite. I really enjoyed it.” “Your writing style is very entertaining and what I have read of the content so far is brilliant. I am going to make sure my four children get to read and absorb the valuable information, as well as rethinking my own approach.” “Great book.” “I just love your book.” “The short, concise chapters that were easy to digest and very thought provoking.” “It provides a kind of mentoring.” “Easy to read and understand.” “Has a bit of everything from serious issues to funny life experiences.” “I bought two, one for each son to read - they were interested and took your advice on board for a later date. They are 17 and 24 years.” “It should be made standard issue to all children in the UK from the age of 15.” “I have several of your titles now, always a good inspiring read!” “Thought provoking, Blunt, but full of constructive criticism. Therefore Positive not Negative Reading.” “A/A” “There are several young folks indirectly in my life that I have to buy copies for and have then sent to them anonymously!” “The info is just what youngsters need to know, will be passing it on to my kids.” *These are extracts from just a few of the many hundreds of unsolicited testimonials received by Streetwise Publications. All of the original letters and emails are held on file at the Streetwise head office in Rotherham. |
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